Saving the Fireplace Fairy

I discovered yesterday evening that Tim had never seen the video of a young girl’s new flying fairy toy flying directly into the fireplace fire at first launch:

Henry was in the room for this discussion and consequent viewing and naturally wanted to watch as well.

It did not go well.

It turns out, the very important scene in which the fire is put out and the toy rescued was cut.

“But they have to put the fire out,” Henry said right after watching.
“Don’t worry kiddo, they did,” I responded maybe lied.
“But they have to get the fairy out,” he replied, fighting tears.
“They did, buddy, after they put the fire out.”

Then I used the occasion for a fire safety lesson that wasn’t listened to.

“But I need to see them put the fire out.”

What proceeded were two videos, one of two men putting out a small fire and another of the same flying fairy toy flying freely and unburned.

So if Henry asks, THE FAIRY IS FINE.

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