Thing That Should Happen:


This week’s New Yorker cover illustrates an exact conversation Tim and I (and, clearly, others) had the other day as I bounced Henry over solidified snow piles, slipped on blocks-long sheets of ice, and, yes, plowed through thick new snow (just without a plow).

Thank God for the sweet jogging/off-roading stroller my co-workers pooled together and got me. It’s been used almost every day of Henry’s life so far. In New York, we walk. Even in the snow. 

We’re starting to let/make Henry walk to more places with us, but a 3 mile daily commute is still a bit much for a 22-month-old. So he stays warm under his stroller cover and we slog. (And sometimes take the subway when it’s really cold, but I much prefer walking.)

When Tim saw this week’s cover he said: a snow plow would be more effective. But probably much less safe. So kudos to Otto Steininger for this week’s cover. We take total credit for the idea.

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